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Charles Coeder
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Hi there,

Charles Coeder (@coeder)


Project 1

This is my first project. I have no idea what to write. Perhaps I will think of something good to write on the next project card.

Project 2

Spoiler, I did not think of anything good to write.

Project 3

The one project to rule them all. This project will alter the course of humanity in ways that nobody could possibly have foreseen.

Project 4

This text that you are currently reading was written while I was working inside the Rose Reading Room at the NYPL main branch. This place is absolutely stunning. My brain juices increase a hundredfold when I am here. This is by far my most favorite place to get work done.

Project 5

Hi my name is Charlie and this is my big project.

Project 6

This text does not matter because it is just a placeholder.


Announcement 1

Huge announcement, this is big news!

Announcement 2

Company-wide meeting at 2:30PM next Wednesday!

Announcement 3

Maintenance will be performed at 2:00AM EST on March 18th.